
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Perfect Performance:

 An achievement that occurs when all Hosts reach Orgasm in the same Turn




 The sub divisions of a Players Turn. Used to limit card placement and control game pace.

Also See: Turn Structure




The unit of measurement used to track the game's progress. Each time a Host is successfully Seduced the amount of Pleasure received is equal to the Seducing card's Prowess minus the Resisting card's Endurance by  is tracked using the Pleasure Meter.






Pleasure Meter:

 Your "Score card". Your Pleasure Meter tracks how much Pleasure you, as a Host, have received. When your Pleasure Meter reaches 24 you may consider yourself as having had an Orgasm.




(Also see: InspirationEndurance, Prowess)

The amount of energy/currency gathered to take action (Introduce, Seduce) and used to . 

You accumulate Inspiration Points by Introducing Location cards to the Room.  

Those Inspiration Points can be spent to Introduce new Guest, Objects, or Moves to the Room. 




SWING! is a turn based game. The player who is permitted to take action, either offensively or defensively, is the one considered to have Power at that moment.

You may track who has Power using any 2 sided token.

ie. A coin, where one side (heads) indicates Top and the other (tails) indicates Bottom.




(Offensive Skill) The skill a card uses to Seduce and represents the arousal impact this card has on Hosts and Guests. Indicated on the card as the first half of the Prowess Rating (2P/1E).



Prowess Rating:

The combination of a card's Prowess and Endurance. displayed as _P/_E

ie. Delivery Driver has a Prowess Rating of 1P/1E  


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