Resistance/Resistance Rating:
The act of holding off an Orgasm while being Seduced. A card's Resistance is equal to its Endurance +/- any de/buffs and applied to it.
ie. Bashful Barista has 2P/1E (2 Prowess / 1 Endurance) and has been equipped with a Generic G-String for an additional +1/+1 bringing her Resistance to 3P/2E.
Also see: Endurance
The Room is the game board or table on which you play the game. Your Room should be large enough for each Host to have a place for their Library, Laundry, a row of Locations (along the outside of the Room) and space for at least 6 Guests (cards).
A Round of Swing! has completed when each Host has had a Turn as the Top.
Also see: Turn Structure