How to Play
Hey Swingers!
Let’s play a Naughty Little Game where you (the Players) are Co-Hosts at a Sexy Swingers Party!
We do that by setting up our Room (game board/table) with Furniture (Location cards) for our Guests to do the deed! These Locations may be common Furniture, like a ‘Flophouse Futon’ or a ‘Messy Mattress’ or perhaps something more rare & Iconic that have unique features, like the 'Vibrating Vermont’! These Locations provide the necessary Inspiration (Mana) for taking action. I mean, you can't invite a Guest to your party without giving them a place to sit, even if it’s a ‘Hard Wood Floor’!
Now that we have a place to sit, we’ll invite some Guests (Character cards)! Each Guest you invite will have their own set of Skill Stats, consisting, of a Prowess (offensive skill) rating and an Endurance (defensive skill) rating. More common Guests, like ‘Dashing Delivery Driver’ or ‘Bashful Barista’ will have lower stats (1P/1E), while a more rare or Iconic Guest, like ‘Naughty Neighbour’ will have higher, more powerful stats.

Okay, we have a place to sit and someone to sit there, now let’s equip them with some Objects & Toys (Object cards) to play with! Objects are things our Guests can interact with to enhance the Game play with buffs or debuffs for your other cards and skills. Add +1 Prowess with a 'Tepid Tea' or remove a Toy from the Room with ‘Dead Batteries’.
Alright! We have Guests in seats and Toys in hand, Let’s make some Moves (action cards)! Moves are actions & skills your Guests can take or use to further enhance the experience. Will your Guest make a common Move, like whispering ‘Sweet Nothings’ or or are they more of a ‘Cunning Linguist’?!
Now that we understand the Cards, let's talk about the Game!
Of course, the goal of any good Swinger’s Party is to bring your partners to Orgasm (win condition)!
We do that by raising their Pleasure Meter (Score Card) from 0 to 24. That's 1 point for each hour in a day (because any Swinger knows a party is only good for the first 24 hours!) When a Guest, Object, or Move is used directly on a player or 'Host'.
How Do We Do That?
Each Party consists of 1 or more Rounds (yes, like a round of drinks) where each Host has had 1 Turn as the Top.
The Top is the actively Seducing Host (offensive player). There may only be 1 Top at a time, If you are not the Top then you are a Bottom (defending Player).
A single Turn consists of 4 Phases. The Foreplay Phase is where you will introduce new Locations, Guests, and Objects (Toys), The Seduction Phase is where we actively Seduce (Top) or resist Seduction (Bottom), and the After-Care Phase where we prepare to relinquish control to another Host, and lastly the Switch Phase, where we hand control over to the next Top and become a Bottom.
Once all Hosts have completed the Switch Phase of their Turn and control has been handed back to the first Top, the Round is over and the next Round begins. Rounds continue until one or more Hosts have 24 points on their Pleasure Meter, That Host has reached Orgasm (Win Condition)!
I reached Orgasm, Now What? Did I Win, did I Lose, am I done?
See the different Game Modes to find out.
*Bold terms may be found in the Glossary